Wild Cream of Mushroom Soup


  • Pine mushrooms (diced), a fist full or two. *Can supplement with most store bought mushrooms.

  • Butter, a healthy slab.

  • Olive Oil, a splash.

  • Shallots, 1 or 2 (diced).

  • Jalapeño Chilli, 2 or 3 (diced).

  • Wine (red or white), a glass.

  • Flour (plain), a dash or two.

  • Salt.

  • Black Pepper.

  • Mixed herbs (oregano, tarragon, thyme, sage).

  • Cream, a few good dollops.

  • Parmesan cheese, don’t be shy.


  1. Melt butter in a pan or pot and add a splash of olive oil.

  2. Add shallots and chillies. Stir until shallots are lightly brown.

  3. Add mushrooms and cook till soft.

  4. Add a glass of wine, a pinch of salt, a pinch of black pepper, and a cup of water. Stir and let simmer for 5 – 10 minutes.

  5. Add cream and Parmesan cheese. Stir in and on a low heat let sit for a bit to thicken.

  6. If not thick enough you can add some corn flour to thicken or let sit for a bit longer.

  7. Serve with fresh herbs and an awesome attitude.